Cyprian Davis, O.S.B., Henriette Delille: Servant of Slaves, Witness to the Poor (New Orleans, LA: Sisters of the Holy Family, 2004) – Biografía oficial de Henriette DeLille, co-publicada por The Sisters of the Holy Family and the Archives of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Fessenden, Tracy. The Sisters of the Holy Family and the Veil of Race. Religion and American Culture. Volume 10. Issue 2. Summer 2000 pp. 187-224
Se pueden consultar las actas de defunción así como de bautismo de los familiares y descendientes de Henriette Delille en Ancestry y Family Search.
«BillionGraves Index,» database, FamilySearch ( : 27 June 2019), Henriette Delille, died 1862; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Saint Louis Cemetery Number 2, New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
The Free People of Color of New Orleans, An Introduction, by Mary Gehman and Lloyd Dennis, Margaret Media, Inc., 1994.
Afristocracy: Free Women of Color and the Politics of Race, Class, and Culture, by Angela Johnson-Fisher, Verlag, 2008
Burnard, Trevor y Garrigus. John The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica. University of Pennsylvania Press. May 2016.
Mills, Gary B. The Forgotten People: Cane River’s Creoles of Color. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1977.
Klarman, Michael J. From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Racial Equality. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004
Kourí, Emilio. Un pueblo dividido: Comercio, propiedad y comunidad en Papantla, México. Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2013. pp. 454.
Kourí, Emilio. La Vainilla de Papantla: Agricultura,Comercio y Sociedad Rural en el siglo XIX. Signos Históricos II. 3. Junio 2000. pp. 105-130.
Familia Gaya. Recuperado en
«BillionGraves Index,» database, FamilySearch ( : 27 June 2019), Henriette Delille, died 1862; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Saint Louis Cemetery Number 2, New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
The Free People of Color of New Orleans, An Introduction, by Mary Gehman and Lloyd Dennis, Margaret Media, Inc., 1994.
Afristocracy: Free Women of Color and the Politics of Race, Class, and Culture, by Angela Johnson-Fisher, Verlag, 2008
Burnard, Trevor y Garrigus. John The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica. University of Pennsylvania Press. May 2016.
Mills, Gary B. The Forgotten People: Cane River’s Creoles of Color. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1977.